Friday, August 20, 2010

Organ Pipes National Park 1 & 2

Jacksons Creek
The carved valley in Jacksons Creek was formed in volanic geological formations but millions of them buliding up together.It leads the way to the Organ Pipes which is larger in size. The river is normally flat with lots of trees at both sides. If people walk along Jacksons Creek, it can offer a cool relief even on the hottest days.

Organ Pipes.
The Organ Pipes is a set of basult columns formed by the cooling and cracking of molten lava.
It's beileved that the lava filled a river valley running ar right angles to Jacksons Creek and was perhaps 70 metres thick. Once a surface crust has formed, the lava beneath cooled very slowly. During cooling, the lava constracted and surface cracks developed. As it continued to harden, the cracks lengthened until the basult mass was divided into columns. Over the million years since the lava flow, Jacksons Creek has cut a deep valley through the basult and revealed the Organ Pipes.

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